If you want to change a relay runner for Teams of 2 or 4

Team Captain can remove the runner who will no longer be participating then send a new invite to a new runner.

  1. Team Captains need to navigate to their Race Roster dashboard via https://raceroster.com/dashboard/participants/97935

(Please note this link will only work for you if you are registered in the event!)

2. From there they can select ‘Teams’ from the options along the top of the screen

3. Team Captain can scroll across in the grid displaying the team members and click ‘Remove’

4. Team Captain can then share their Team Name and Team Code with a new runner so they can register directly as a Team Member on Race Roster. 

Allocating or changing relay legs for runners? 

  1. Team Captains need to navigate to their Race Roster dashboard via https://raceroster.com/dashboard/participants/97935

(Please note this link will only work for you if you are registered in the event!)

2. From there they can select ‘Teams’ from the options along the top of the screen.  Under ‘Team actions’ there is a ‘Edit segments/legs’ function

3. The team captain can then make updates accordingly, selecting the leg for each runner.